Practical training seminar on “How not to f…k up with Outsourcing software development”.

June 12, 2017
Paavo Pauklin

Netcorp was invited by Norwegian leading full-service innovation support organization Valide AS to give a practical training seminar on Software Development outsourcing at Stavanger’s leading innovation center iPark.

During 2,5 hours we went over the most important aspects what every CTO should know about outsourcing in order to succeed in using software development outsourcing to developing their products or reducing the salary cost.

Topics discussed were:

•    Why outsource? Benefits and dangers!

•    What to outsource and what not?

•    When should startups outsource software development and when they should keep it in-house.

•    How to protect your IP?

•    Outsourcing vs near-shoring – differences and what to choose?

•    How to choose an outsourcing partner?

•    How to make the cooperation work?

•    What are some most common mistakes in outsourcing?

•    How to get what you want when outsourcing software development?

If you are interested in receiving the slides of that training, please write to and we will share them with you.

Software Development Services

Meet the authors

Paavo Pauklin
Executive Board Member
+372 6 555 022
Joseph Carson
Ethical Hacker, Cybersecurity Advisor
+372 6 555 022

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