#Mimmitkoodaa: peace, love, and a little money! A Podcast with Milja Köpsi

May 15, 2024
Paavo Pauklin

Coding is considered a man's sport, so women have not strayed too much into the field nor been guided! 

However, the software industry, suffering from a shortage of coders, has woken up to the problem with the #mimmitkoodaa program. Perhaps this would help to broaden the talent base. The Software and E-business Alliance's #Mimmitkoodaa program has quickly become popular among women and employers. Its workshops fill up in minutes.

In the episode, Paavo Pauklin's guest is Milja Köpsi, host of the #mimmitkoodaa program. They discuss women and coding.

​​The episode starts with a cheeky question: "Can girls code?"

From that, it is good to continue to ask why there are few women in the IT sector in general and why there are far fewer of them in Finland than in the other Scandinavian countries. What can be done about it? And is coding suitable for women at all?

Are there jobs for female coders? In other words, is the employer side genuinely ready? And what problems do women cause, or will they cause, in male-dominated coding teams?

What are the challenges of starting such a project, and what help does #mimmitkoodaa need to be even more successful?

We also looked at how women are better coders than men.

If you are a woman interested in coding as a career option, you can find the #mimmitkoodaa project here

If you are an employer in the software industry and would like to be involved in training female coders, please contact Milja Köps.


Milja Köpsi, #mimmitkoodaa, Software and E-business Association.


Everyone Needs Developers - Podcast

Entrepreneurs, managers, and experts join Paavo Pauklin to discuss the resourcing and growth of software development. The conversation features success stories, including both successes and failures.

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Meet the authors

Paavo Pauklin
Executive Board Member
+372 6 555 022
Joseph Carson
Ethical Hacker, Cybersecurity Advisor
+372 6 555 022

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