Nearshoring is booming, but why?

April 27, 2021
Paavo Pauklin

If you haven’t heard, Nearshoring is booming! But why?

The Covid crisis has increased the demand for software development resources and forced businesses to take a long hard look at their online offer and the value for money they’re getting from their software development providers.

Companies without an online offer have had to acquire one pretty quickly, and others have discovered an urgent need to modernize their technology to stay competitive.

All this has led to a situation where countries with booming economies and start-up sectors are experiencing a huge shortage of home-grown developers.

Remote working – driving a nearshoring boom

Meanwhile more and more companies have got comfortable with remote working – including many that used to insist everyone they hired turned up to work at their premises.

This in turn has opened up virtual borders, and companies are looking for specialists from all over the world.

Due to increased demands for quality and fast delivery times, long-distance offshoring Asia has lost its attraction, and companies have turned their sights to the nearshoring market, which has been booming since autumn 2020.

Nearshoring is basically outsourcing done closer to home: delivering quality, fast turnaround, and low management overheads – everything that the Covid and post-Covid business world is crying out for – in a familiar business environment.

Poland as the favored nearshoring location

Poland is one of the few EU countries where high-level developers are still available in reasonable numbers, most of them also excellent English speakers.

We believe Polish developers are a great choice for companies looking for high-quality developers who are familiar with the EU business and regulatory environment.

Software vendors in countries like the UK and Sweden have been keen to re-sell the work of Polish developers, but their customers are now realizing that direct hiring is a better way to control costs and gain full control of selecting their nearshoring partner.

We believe that Poland should be on everyone’s shortlist for outsourcing or nearshoring software development.

Where to start?

And this of course is where Netcorp can help. Our team of 550 specialists includes engineers, consultants, architects, DevOps engineers, UI/UX designers, data scientists, cloud engineers, and software developers in Java, Python, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue.js, Node.js,  Android, iOS, and many more technologies. Most have more than five years’ experience in their field of expertise.

We have six operational centers, including three in Poland, and can provide anything from a single, hand-picked developer, to complete teams for end-to-end projects.

You can read more about our services here. Or set up a call by emailing

Software Development Services

Meet the authors

Paavo Pauklin
Executive Board Member
+372 6 555 022
Joseph Carson
Ethical Hacker, Cybersecurity Advisor
+372 6 555 022

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